Not at deny that the main purpose of a blog, among others, is for our writings can be read by others or blog visitors, the more who visit let alone to comment on what we post will certainly make our hearts feel good and happy. But of course not necessarily our blog will be busy in the visit, this requires a vigorous publicity efforts of the owner of the blog if you want a lot of visitors.
There are many ways that we can do our blogs to be known and visited, among others, is with our diligent blogwalking or visiting other people's blogs, lists the various aggregators, and the most effective way is through search engines or search engine.
For beginner bloggers may take the position that if we create a website or blog will be automatically indexed or are on lists various search engines, and in fact not the case. Just as a school, for our name list of students registered in the books, of course, we must make advance registration to the school. Similarly, search engines, for our blog indexed in search engines, then we must first register our own blog search engine on the site owner.
Search engines are huge numbers of course once, and at present the most famous in the world is Google, Yahoo, and Msn. If a blog we want them indexed in search engines, then our obligation is to register your blog URL in their search engine. If there are not know to what must register their blogs, so please refer to the following:
Google List
To sign up to google, please visit mate, well if already on the registration page there are several steps that must be done, namely to fill in a form that provided:
• URL -> Fill in the URL of your blog.
• Comments -> Fill in the keyword or keywords that relate to your blog
• Fill an empty box with the available letters Verification
• Click the button Add URL
• Done.
I hope this article useful to you all