Register Your Blog To Yahoo and Msn

Search engines are huge numbers of course once, and at present the most famous in the world is Google, Yahoo, and Msn. If a blog we want them indexed in search engines, then our obligation is to register your blog URL in their search engine. If there are not know to what must register their blogs, so please refer to the following:
  • Yahoo!
To register for the yahoo! pal please visit https: / / / submit. However, to register to yahoo, man must first have a yahoo account, because at first need to log in to yahoo account. For those who do not have a yahoo account (email on yahoo) please make first, for those who already have, mate stay logged in with username and password pal. If already logged in, I'll already available columns for the contents, please fill the column with the URL mate, then click the Add URL, complete. If you want to enter the feed address and gentlemen, my friend could put it. Remember, feed address in Blogger just stay behind atom.xml add your blog URL, for example: for my blog has a feed address as follows:

or use the www is the same:
  • Sign up for the Msn
For a list of the Msn, please visit please mate content verification letter and your URL in the box provided, then click the Submit button URL, complete.

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