How to Install The Twitter Bird Fly in Blog

How to Make Twitter Bird Fly Blog - Results of Blogwalking me, I saw a lot of bloggers use twitter widget birds fly with different styles at their respective blogs. So, it is proved that this method is not foreign anymore.

Twitter Bird Fly blueTwitter is a social networking site popular today than Myspace, Google+ and Facebook. The reason is because it has a system twitter tweets we read the tweets by followers / follower our account. And not much else to show to design a simple Twitter but elegant and modern. Customarily every Twitter user very happy / like if many follow them. So, there is no widget installed salahnnya friend Twitter this interesting bird. If someone clicks on / to link the bird will be redirected to the Twitter account companions. How, already feeling the benefits of this widget?

If you want to see examples of blogs that use this widget Click here

How do I install the Twitter widget..???
To make it, please follow these instructions
  1. log in to your blogger account
  2. Go to page Page Elements / Layout and click Add Gadgets
  3. Select the type of widget HTML / Javascript and enter the following script.
    <!-- Start Floating Twitter Bird by -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var birdSprite="";var targetElems=new Array("img","hr","table","td","div","input","textarea","button","select","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","h4","p","code","object","a","b","strong","span");var twitterAccount = "";var tweetThisText = "Twitter - UserID";tripleflapInit();
    <!-- Finish Floating Twitter Bird -->
    NOTE :
    • Replace the text in red with your twitter account username
    • Replace the words in blue if you want to change the color the birds
  4. Save gadget. Done!
How do I change the color of the bird?
twiter birds
To make different color bird friend can replace the text / red writing with color options below desired birds.
  1. Yellow
  2. Black
  3. Blue
  4. Brown
  5. Green
  6. Purple
  7. White
  8. Red

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